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680次浏览     发布时间:2024-01-09 18:36:08    







"Dali Bai Minority's 'March 3rd'"

The Dali Bai minority is an ethnic group in China, mainly distributed in Dali Prefecture, Yunnan Province. They have their own unique culture and traditional festivals, one of the most important being "March 3rd".

"March 3rd" is a traditional festival of the Dali Bai minority, usually celebrated on the third day of the third lunar month. This festival has a long history and is one of the important ways for the Bai people to express their joy and blessings for the coming of spring.

On "March 3rd", the Bai people dress in traditional ethnic costumes and hold various celebrations. One of the most characteristic activities is the "March 3rd Grand Worship". The Bai people visit ancestral graves or sacred mountains to offer sacrifices and blessings. At the same time, there are colorful folk performances such as lion and dragon dances, singing and dancing performances, which attract many tourists to come and watch.

During "March 3rd", various traditional sports competitions are also held, such as archery and wrestling. These activities are not only a form of entertainment and competition but also an important way to showcase Bai's traditional culture and spirit of unity.

In summary, "March 3rd" is an important festival for the Dali Bai people to celebrate the arrival of spring. Through various celebrations and traditional rituals, people express their wishes for a bountiful harvest and happiness, while also showcasing the unique cultural charm of the Bai minority.


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